Friday, November 29, 2019
Macbeth 87 Essays - Characters In Macbeth, English-language Films
Macbeth 87 In the play Macbeth, there were many interesting sections which could be concentrated on due to the suspense and the involvement of the supernatural. The use of the supernatural in the witches, the visions, the ghost, and the apparitions is a key element in making the concept of the play work and in making the play interesting. Looking through each Act and Scene of the play, it is noticed that the supernatural is definitely a major factor on the play's style. The use of the supernatural occurs at the beginning of the play, with three witches predicting the fate of Macbeth. This gives the audience a clue to what the future holds for Macbeth. When the battles lost and won (Act I, Scene I, l.4) was said by the second witch. It says that every battle is lost by one side and won by another. Macbeth's fate is that he will win the battle, but will lose his time of victory for the battle of his soul. After the prophecies of the witches' revealed the fate of Macbeth, the plan in which to gain power of the throne is brought up. The only way to gain power of the throne was for Macbeth to work his way to the throne, or to murder King Duncan. Murdering the king was an easier plan since the motivation in his dreams urged him on. Lady Macbeth also relied on the supernatural by her soliloquy of calling upon the evil spirits to give her the power to plot the murder of Duncan without any remorse or conscience (Act I, Scene V, ll.42-57). The three sisters a re capable of leading people into danger resulting in death, such as the sailor who never slept (Act I, Scene III, ll.1-37). Lady Macbeth has convinced her husband Macbeth to murder King Duncan. On the night they planned to kill Duncan, Macbeth is waiting for Lady Macbeth to ring the signal bell to go up the stairs to Duncan's chamber. He sees the vision of the floating dagger. The interest of the dagger is that it leads Macbeth towards the chamber by the presence of evil of the dagger being covered with blood. Then the bell rings and Macbeth stealthily proceeds up the staircase to Duncan's chamber. Once the murder has been committed, eventually Banquo has his suspicions about Macbeth killing Duncan to have power of the throne. There is constantly more guilt and fear inside Macbeth and his wife that they decide to have Banquo killed. Macbeth and his wife attend a banquet in which a ghost appears. Once the murderer notified Macbeth that the deed was done, he observed the ghost of Banquo sitting in his regular seat. This caused Macbeth to act in a wild manner, making people suspicious of his actions. (Act II I, Scene VI, ll.31-120). The use of the supernatural has increased the suspense now that Macbeth is constantly relying on the prophecies of the three witches. Hecate, the Queen of witches is angry with the three sisters for not involving her in their encounters with Macbeth. The witches plan to lead Macbeth to his downfall by making him feel over-confident. (Act III, Scene V, ll.1-35). Further on in the play, Macbeth finds his way to the witches' cave and demands to know what lies ahead for him. The three witches predict what he is going to ask and produce the first apparition which is an armed head. Macbeth!, Macbeth!, Macbeth!, beware of Macduff; beware thane of Fife. Dismiss me: enough. (Act VI, Scene I, ll.77-78). The first apparition tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff. Then the second apparition appears (a bloody child), and says: Be bloody, bold, and resolute; laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth. (Act IV, Scene I, ll.85-87). This apparition informs Macbeth that no man born from a woman can harm him. finally, the last apparition appears and is a child crowned, with a tree in his hand. The apparition is saying that he will never be defeated until Great Birnam wood shall come against him to High Dunsinane Hill. Be lion melted, proud, and take no care who chafes, who frets,
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring
that arenââ¬â¢t used much anymore, that really grabbed my attention and were fun to read. I think thatââ¬â¢s a key part in making this book fun and exciting to read. One suspenseful action scene was when e... Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring The Fellowship of The Ring J.R.R. Tolkien This book takes place at the end of the previous book The Hobbit. It does not take place directly after the book but rather many years after when Bilboââ¬â¢s young nephews grew up. Bilbo did not have any children of his own; he adopted one of his young nephews by the name of Frodo Baggins. He took care of Frodo as if he was his own and they had a very good relationship. The protagonist of this story is Frodo. The antagonist of this story is a great evil leader by the name of Solron. Many years ago he was a great leader and was the most powerful thanks to this powerful ring. In a great battle vs. man Solron was slain and the ring was taken by the man who slain him. The ring turned many faces and many people turned on their masters or leader and became corrupted by the ring. The ring turned good people to bad. After people killing each other for the ring it ended up in the hands of a small hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins. It was pasted down and given to his nephew Frodo. Gandalf returned to the shire to talk to Frodo. Gandalf had a great adventure to send Frodo on. The adventure was to take a ring that had great powers and destroy it. This was a very dangerous task but without even thinking it over Frodo agreed. Frodo would not take part in this journey alone he had help from Sam, Merry, and Pippin. Their journey would begin and they headed off and away from the shire that has been their home for so many years. On their journey down the great road they saw a Dark rider, riding a big black horse. These were the dark riders set out to find the ring and whoever would be in possession of it. They would stop at nothing to get the ring. Frodo would see these dark riders for the rest of his journey. The journey was long and allowed them to meet great people along the way, most of the people offering help in some way. The first great person they meet was Tom Bombadil. They meet Tom while crossing ... Free Essays on The Fellowship Of The Ring I have read and analyzed J.R.R Tolkienââ¬â¢s book The Lord of the Rings-ââ¬Å"The Fellowship of the Ringâ⬠. Tolkien creates a mystical world called middle earth with his wonderful imagination. His degree in language helped him create an entire written language called ââ¬Å"Qenyaâ⬠witch is spoken by the elves. The Fellowship of the Ring was written as the first of three books made to be sequals of the book Hobbit. Tolkien thought the Hobbit would appeal to children, and was published as a childrenââ¬â¢s book. The Fellowship of the Ring starts in the Shire (in Hobbiton where the hobbits live). During the first few chapters it introduces characters not in Hobbit such as Frodo, Pippen (Paragrin), Mary (Maridock), and Sam (Samwise) who are all hobbits. Later more main characters come in. Aragorn a human Ranger from the north, Legolas an elf from the woodlands, Boramire a human from Gondor, and Gimly son of Gloin a dwarf are all introduced near the beginning. They form a fellowship of nine, including Gandalf the grey, a powerful wizard. They are set out on a journey to destroy the all powerful ring forged by the dark lord Sauron, before he gets it and covers all the land in sick and darkness using its powers. Frodo is the ring barer. Tolkien makes this book extremely exciting using select word choice and wonderful dialog to really put you in the shoes of the characters. Suspenseful action sequences and heart wrenching disasters make this book exciting and fun to read. Tolkien also grabs readers by the interesting names and titles of the people and places mentioned in the book. Another exciting key in The Fellowship of the Ring is the hobbits inner strength to endure the evil of the ring. Many words used in this book were new to me, old words that arenââ¬â¢t used much anymore, that really grabbed my attention and were fun to read. I think thatââ¬â¢s a key part in making this book fun and exciting to read. One suspenseful action scene was when e...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Technologically Advanced Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Technologically Advanced Modern World - Essay Example One such element is the image of women in the media. The image of women is distorted and misrepresented in visual media and hence, it has become a matter of concern for the society. This fact has been brought in open by feminists. In her UNESCO-funded study, Margaret Gallagher (1979) has raised her concern regarding the distorted image of women in media, as according to her, ââ¬Å"media are potentially powerful agents of socialization and social change-presenting models, conferring status, suggesting appropriate behaviors, encouraging stereotypesâ⬠etc (Byerly & Ross 17). Hence, by repeatedly representing women as weak, irrational and ââ¬Ëobjectââ¬â¢ for sexual pleasure, the media has damaged their image. Also, as far as the image of women in movies is concerned, the most disturbing image is the image of ââ¬Ëmonstrous-feminineââ¬â¢ in the horror movies. Feminists have observed that in horror movies, it is not the ââ¬Ëfemalesââ¬â¢ who are represented as a â⬠Ëmonsters,ââ¬â¢ but it is their femininity and the sexuality which is shown as horrifying and hence, monstrous (Byerly & Ross 21). This shows that it is the ââ¬Ëmale mindââ¬â¢ which tries to degrade the femininity through monstrous representation of females in horror movies. However, the theory that best helps people in understanding the representation of femininity and female sexuality as monstrous, is the theory of psychoanalysis, as it not only reveals the social structure that leads to it, but also the roots of misrepresentation of femininity as monstrous, that lies deep in the unconscious of male human beings. Image of Women In Movies Although there have been many changes in the technology and media, the image of women in the media has remained quite unchanged. Women have always been represented in cinema as weaker sex. The reason behind no change in the image of women in cinema is the unconscious aspects of the male mind, and the ideological concept of cinema, which are usually dominated by ââ¬Ëmalesââ¬â¢ in the society (Mulvey 58). The unconscious aspect of the male dominated society, which considers women as nothing but an ââ¬Ëobjectââ¬â¢ of desire or a weaker sex, is reflected in the female characters in the movies. Hence, cinema has become a mirror of the patriarchal system in the society. According to British film theorist and feminist Laura Mulvey, Hollywood has maintained its entertainment value by manipulating the mage of the women in cinema to please menââ¬â¢s visual desire of seeing women as sex object (Mulvey 59). Sadly, women are not only shown as an object of visual pleasure, but are also portrayed as human beings who are dependent on men for their social and personal status. The character and the role of woman is usually designed in such a way that she not only satisfies the unconscious sexual desire of men but at the same time, fits into the order of male dominated society. The dominant patriarchal order is woven i n the erotic representation of women in cinema (Mulvey 59). However, what is more disturbing than the image of women as weaker sex is the monstrous image of women shown in the movies. The reason behind this lies in the unconscious fears that are harboured by male human minds and hence, can be explained with the aid of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis Explains Monstrous-Feminine Since ancient times, women have suffered secondary status and inferior treatment at the hands of men in the societies. Men treat women in ill
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Advertisement of cars Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Advertisement of cars - Essay Example This advertisement is the reflection of the vanity and pride which the Mercedes possess, and it transfers the same to its customers. The intent of price was to restrict and warn the interested parties who simply approach for the sake of details but are never serious about procurement. The intent behind the publication of the price on the advertisement was to apply a filter to obtain serious customers only. It is important to note that colour of the car in the advertisement. There is a high possibility that this model has been launched with different body colors, but why color black was chosen? Black is a reflection of elite and privileged class, the colour has more admiration against criticism therefore black was perfect choice. The position of the car is itself a key to perfect advertisement. In this advertisement, the company has shown the complete layout of the car. Generally, the manufacturers prefer publication of the front, possibly because the side view is not at all attractiv e. In this advertisement, Mercedes has been dignified enough not to follow the common trend and has published the side view to give the interested customer better information about the product. In the advertisement, it is common practice as per which the precisely you reflect, the true customers you target. The precise projection of the brand will be the key in the identification of the interested customers.The one-word CHECKMATE is the reflection of the perfection and quality which the product inherits, as per the vendor BMW.... This advertisement is not for youth and energetic crowd, it is for people with style and devour. In dot at the end of checkmate is another important part of the advertisement, though it is a simple dot but it symbolizes the pride of the company. The intent of advertisement is not to appeal or request the interested customer; rather it is only information from the company. In this advertisement, the company has been reluctant to share any information about the brand, and has published the contact details. The intent behind such a strategy can be that probably there are other new models for customer review. The colour and font of word CHECKMATE are clear, but the colour of the web address posted by the company is not at all visible for the public especially during night time, therefore the advertisement will probably fail to communicate the message. Keeping in view that the target audience of the brand is elite and rich class between an age group of 45-60, the selection of fonts and co lour is not perfect. Advertisement - III This advertisement by Audi has been regarded as offensive approach of Audi against BMW. In this advertisement, the manufacturer has been blunt about its vehicle and has tried to publicly challenge its competitor. The target crowd of this advertisement is not the general customers, but the management of BMW and its customers. AUDI has simply challenge the design and model of BMW, and has launched their distinct model. After studying this advertisement, we conclude that the company has tried to avoid detail description of the brand and its feature, and has tried to resemble its product with the world's outclass automobile
Monday, November 18, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Whatever the source, the opportunity should be able to generate profit. The business idea in this case came up due to an unmet need in the market. The entrepreneur after visiting several restaurants trying out different Indian cuisines was disappointed as he could not get really good fresh spices. After careful research, he discovered that there was lack of reliable source of good quality spices at an affordable cost and this presented an opportunity for a business venture. The idea could be exploited through development of a new product (high quality freshly ground spices). An entrepreneur has to consider the target market and aim at fulfilling unmet needs (Shane, 2003). As such this was a good idea as the market was untapped and many customers (restaurants) were in need of fresh good quality spices. Another aspect is that the idea should not be easy to imitate hence creating barriers for new entrants (Butler, 2004). This product was to be made using a new production process and storage system and this was made possible by use of a well qualified engin eer who could make such spices. The entrepreneur was well connected with people who knew buyers of spices and hence no problems with distributing the product (Greene, 2011). The idea was also feasible due to the fact that it does not require heavy investment as the production process is very simple. It involves use of freshly ground spices but which would not loose taste due to storage. Other producers were unable to store spices due to loss of taste hence could not fulfil the needs of the customers (Hougaard, 2005). Another advantage was that, since the idea was new there was no dominant design established. This could have hindered the entry of the new venture. Honest Tea was established in 1998 and the entrepreneurial opportunity arose when one of the founders discovered an unmet need in the beverage industry. After consuming beverages on a hot day, his thirst was not quenched thus
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Mechanism Of Electromechanical Induction Meter Information Technology Essay
Mechanism Of Electromechanical Induction Meter Information Technology Essay As the dismal economy spawns desperate measures, most of the residents of our beloved city, Karachi are resorting to a hazardous practice which is stealing electricity. Many utilities say energy theft has risen sharply during the recent economic downturn. Culprits include residential customers whose power is turned off when they fall behind on the bills and small businesses struggling to keep their doors open. They are using a wide array of tactics. Some run wires from utility lines directly into a circuit-breaker panel to bypass the electric meter. Others attached cables on either side of a meter, swipe meters from vacant houses when theirs are removed or tamper with meters to lower their electric bills. People from KESC are finding more and more people are stealing electricity because of the poor economy, said by the sources of electricity supplying corporation. It has been investigated that 3,197 cases of theft in January and February, a 28% jump over the year-ago period. Customers have stolen power for decades, costing utilities 1% to 4% of revenue or about RS 49 billion industry wide each year, according to Electric Light Power magazine. Losses are borned by other customers. Many thieves operate home-based marijuana farms that use lots of lights and power. But the problem is basically mushrooming. Meanwhile, consulting firm Detectent has identified a double-digit arise in business thefts the past six months, many by energy-guzzling restaurants. In Landhi, Deen Baksh, 48, was charged last fall with3 meter rigging. DTE Energy says he helped about 50 downtown businesses cut their gas and electric bills by more than RS.1 million or 30% to 50% each the past several years. The practice is actually dangerous. Touching a power line may burn or even kill an untrained person. In Philadelphia this month, an illegal electricity hookup in a row house resulted in a spark a fire that killed a 30-year-old woman and her 8-year-old daughter. Utilities often learn of thefts from meter readers, neighbors or may be abnormal use patterns. They expect to detect fraud earlier as they roll out smart meters that can remotely monitor electricity usage. Electricity theft can be in the form of fraud (meter tampering), stealing (illegal connections), billing irregularities, or unpaid bills. Estimates of the extent of electricity theft in a sample of 102 countries for 1980 and 2000 are studied. The evidence shows that theft is increasing in most of the regions of the world. The financial impacts of theft has reduced income from the sale of electricity and the necessity to charge more to consumers. Electricity theft is closely related to governance indicators, with higher peaks of theft in countries without effective accountability, political instability, low government effectiveness and high levels of corruption. Electricity theft can be lowered by applying technical solutions such as tamper-proof meters, managerial methods such as inspection and monitoring, and in some cases restructuring power systems ownership and regulation. The main purpose of our report is to present solution to economic problems and then economy rate will become higher. And that loss which KESC have to bear due to this problem will be decreased. Economically this idea has great benefit both for masses and society. Once the theft of electricity would be detected then steps will be taken to stop it which will yield in discouraging the people using electricity illegally. Energy will be distributed to everyone justly thus everyone will be paying charges of only the amount they consume. Energy generating and distributing bodies will not be having extra load over their lines thus no power trips and break downs will occur so no extra money required for correcting such problems. CHAPTER NO 01 ELECTRIC METER 1.1 ELECTRIC METERS: An electric meter or energy meter is equipment that can measure the amount of electrical energy consumed by a residence, business, or an electrically powered device. Electric meters are usually calibrated in billing units; the most common is the kilowatt hour. Periodic readings of electric meters give billing cycles and energy used during a cycle. In settings when energy savings during certain periods are desired, meters may measure demand which is the maximum use of power in some interval. In some areas, the electric rates are higher during specific times of day for encouraging reduction in use. Also, in some areas meters have switches to turn off nonessential equipment. Electricity meters work by continuously measuring the instantaneous voltage (volts) and current (amperes) and then finding the product of these to give instantaneous electrical power (watts) which is afterwards integrated against time to give energy used (joules, kilowatt-hours etc.). Meters for smaller services (for instance small residential customers) can be connected directly in-line between source and customer. For larger loads, i.e. more than about 200 amps of load, current transformers are used, so that the meter can be located other than in line with the service conductors. The meters fall into two basic categories, electromechanical and electronic. 1.1.1 Mechanism of electromechanical induction meter. 1. Voltage coil many turns of fine wire encased in plastic, connected in parallel with load. 2. Current coil three turns of thick wire, connected in series with load. 3.Stator-concentrates and confines magnetic field. 4.Aluminum rotor disc. 5. Rotor brake magnets. 6. Spindle with worm gear. 7. Display dials note that the 1/10, 10 and 1000 dials rotate clockwise while the 1, 100 and 10000 dials rotate counter-clockwise. The electromechanical induction meter operates by counting the revolutions of an aluminum disc which is made to rotate at a speed proportional to the power. The number of revolutions is thus proportional to the energy usage. It consumes a small amount of power, typically around 2 watts. The metallic disc is acted upon by two coils. One coil is connected in such a way that it produces a magnetic flux in proportion to the voltage and the other produces a magnetic flux in proportion to the current. The field of the voltage coil is delayed by 90 degrees using a lag coil.[16] This produces eddy currents in the disc and the effect is such that a force is exerted on the disc in proportion to the product of the instantaneous current and voltage. A permanent magnet exerts an opposing force proportional to the speed of rotation of the disc. The equilibrium between these two opposing forces results in the disc rotating at a speed proportional to the power being used. The disc drives a register mechanism which integrates the speed of the disc over time by counting revolutions, much like the odometer in a car, in order to render a measurement of the total energy used over a period of time. The type of meter described here is basically used on a single-phase AC supply. Different phase configurations use additional voltage and current coils in them. 1.1.2 CURRENT TRANSFORMER (CT) METERING: Huge businesses or multi storey buildings use so much power that they cant be connected to the network via the usual methods so in order for these sites to be metered, the load needs to be broken down so the meter will be able to cope with it and then be multiplied out again in order to get the full amount of power being used. This is known as CT metering. Actually the load comes into a CT chamber from where it is then distributed from buzz bars containing transformers to CT links and then into the meter. The CT chamber also goes into the customers switchboard. The rating of the transformers finds out the multiplier to be applied when calculating true usage. 1.1.3 METER USED IN THE PROJECT: The meter used in our final year project is electromechanical induction meter. 1.2 UNIT OF MEASUREMENT: Kilowatt hour is the most common unit of measurement on the electricity meter which is equal to the amount of energy used by a load of one kilowatt over a period of one hour, or 3,600,000 joules. Some electricity companies also use the SI mega joule instead. Remote current and voltage sensors are be read and programmed remotely by modem and locally by infra-red. The circle with two dots is the infra-red port give the reading. Tamper-evident seals are also present in some meters. Demand is usually measured in watts, but averaged over a period, most often a quarter or half hour 1.3 ELECTRICITY THEFT: Meters can be controlled to make them under-register, effectively permitting power use without paying for it. This theft or fraud can be dangerous and also dishonest. Electricity theft can be in the form of i)fraud (meter tampering) ii)stealing (illegal connections) iii)billing irregularities iv)Unpaid bills. Another common method of tampering on older meters is to attach magnets to the outside of the meter. They magnetically saturate the coils or current transformers, preventing the alternating current from forming eddy currents in the rotor, or inducing voltages in the current transformer. Also rectified DC loads cause mechanical (but not electronic) meters to under-register. DC current does not cause the coils to make eddy currents in the disk so this causes reduced rotation and a lower the bill. Some combinations of capacitive and inductive load can also interact with the coils and mass of a rotor and cause reduced or reverse motion. 1.3.1 Basic Layout Of The Project Including Electricity Theft Possibilities: Bypass wire Breaker to cut out the meter Home Neutral Wire, neutral current iN Phase wire, phase current iP Earth wire Meter Case 1: If there is no bypassing of the meter and the entire load is OFF. iN (Neutral current) = iP (Phase Current) = 0 Case 2: If there is no bypassing of the meter and the entire load is ON. iN (Neutral Current) = iP (Phase current) = some value Case 3; If there is meter bypassing and the entire load is ON. iP (Phase current ) = 0 iN (Neutral Current) = load The first target is to sense / measure phase and neutral current. And if case 3 is verified than it will be a theft case. 1.3.2 Outcomes Of Electricity Theft: The evidence shows that theft is vastly increasing in most regions of the world. The financial impacts of theft have resulted in reduced income from the sale of electricity and the necessity to charge more to consumers. Electricity theft is closely concerned to governance indicators, with higher levels of theft in countries without effective accountability, political instability, low government effectiveness and high levels of corruption. Power theft has surely become an infamously prevalent practice in many parts of the country, both rural and urban. Many cases go unreported in various cities and villages, costing a lot to our countries burdened economy. People actually pay some local electrician a little money to reverse the electricity meter of the house and/or slow its pace. Some people also learn the trick from an electrician and help their family/friends steal electricity. 1.3.3 General Methods To Reduce Electricity Theft: Electricity theft can be reduced by Applying technical solutions such as tamper-proof meters. Managerial methods such as inspection and monitoring. Restructuring power systems ownership and regulation.. A common method of tampering on older meters is to attach magnets to the outside of the meter. These magnetically saturate the coils or current transformers, preventing the alternating current from forming eddy currents in the rotor, or inducing voltages in the current transformer. Rectified DC loads cause mechanical (but not electronic) meters to under-register. DC current does not cause the coils to make eddy currents in the disk, so this causes reduced rotation and a lower bill. Some combinations of capacitive and inductive load can interact with the coils and mass of a rotor and cause reduced or reverse motion. CHAPTER NO 02 MEASUREMENT OF AC CURRENT: 2.1 DESCRIPTION: Here we have considered household power is single-phase electric power, with two or three wired contacts at each outlet. The live wire (also known as phase, hot or active contact), carries alternating current between the power grid and the household. The neutral wire completes the electrical circuit by also carrying alternating current between the power grid and the household. The neutral is staked into the ground as often as possible, and therefore has the same electrical charge as the earth. This prevents the power circuits from rising beyond earth, such as when they are struck by lighting or become otherwise charged. The earth wire or ground connects cases of equipment to earth ground as a protection against faults (Electric Shock). 2.2 MEASUREMENT OF AC CURRENT: Its very difficult to measure ac current and produce voltage proportional to it. For measurement of ac current Hall Effect devices are mostly used. They produce the voltage proportional to the magnetic field in the air gap by inserting Hall Effect magnetic field sensor in the current transformer core air gap. The circuits below measure the ac current without using Hall Effect devices. 2.2.1 WORKING: FIG 1: An electric current J2 is introduced in the secondary winding of the coil which is proportional to the primary winding J1.Th secondary current can be controller by means of number of turns on primary and secondary winding. The primary winding either have one turn or a number of turns wrapped around it while the secondary winding has usually multiple turns around it. If the current transformer is ideal then the current in the secondary winding is equal to that in primary winding. But if it is possess non-ideal characteristics then the current in both windings will not be equal due to substantial phase angle, error of ratio, and/or wave shape in its output. They are the function of: The properties possess by magnetic core. How much burden on it. How much dc component present in the primary current. FIG2: Due to burden in the secondary the currents in the secondary and primary arent equal. Fig 2is used to reduce this effect .V4 is the voltage which is proportional to the rate of magnetic flux and is introduced by terminating the sense winding 10 to high impedance; the effective burden can be reduced by applying it tin series to the secondary winding after it is being amplified. Now the currents in secondary will be proportional accurately to that in primary since the magnetic flux changes in the core is reduced to zero. Smaller flux changes and higher accuracy will be achieved by higher gains in the amplifier circuit while on the other hand this leads to instability and associated =oscillations in the circuit. This technique is a better measure of ac current but the problem raised may be due to the dc component in the primary current FIG 3: Compensation voltage is generated by using secondary current as input and this voltage is required for driving the secondary current. The voltage generated V1 is proportional to the driving current J2 and the output voltage V3 is produced as an information signal. The advantage of above circuit is that instead of using Hall Effect sensors ordinary current transformers can be utilized to measure the ac current with a dc component .The above current sensor has the following properties: Even in the presence of primary current the current transformer gives accurate output. This circuit uses a relatively inexpensive and simple magnetic core. Stable over temperature and time. Primary current in in effected by noise. The voltage V3 is utilized further to obtain a dc voltage. For this purpose this ac output is passed by a rectifier circuit in order to obtain a dc voltage at the output. CHAPTER #03: MICROCONTROLLERS 3.1 INTRODUCTION: Microcontrollers are devices that have CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O ports, and timers all on a single chip. In other words all are embedded on a single chip. For applications in which cost and space are critical issue microcontrollers are preferred for their above mentioned features. Microcontroller is one of the major components of this design as it plays key role of the coordination between all the components. It inputs current signal and evaluates the theft. The result is then sent to remote office by connecting mobile to microcontroller. AT commands are used for communication between mobile and microcontroller. Microcontrollers are available with different instruction set, registers, speed, packaging and costs. There are many different types of microcontrollers. Freescales 6811, Intel 8051, Zilogs Z8, and PIC 16X from microchip technology are popular 8 bit microcontrollers. Nowadays 16 bit and 32 bit microcontrollers are also available. Microcontrollers are not compatible with each other because each has a different instruction set and registers. Certain important points must be kept in mind while selecting a microcontroller for a particular application. Firstly it must be able to satisfy all computational needs. These computational needs include capacity and speed. Speed: While choosing a microcontroller it should be operating at the speed that is required for the application Capacity: For certain applications programs are too long and they exceed on chip RAM capacity. Therefore it is necessary to consider on chip RAM memory. Secondly it must be compatible with devices used in application. This is an important issue. There are many microcontrollers which support only a particular baud rate and are incompatible with the devices that operate at the higher baud rate. Thirdly it must be available in required quantities and at the required costs. 3.2 POPULAR MICROCONTROLLERS: Two important microcontrollers that are widely used are 8051 and PIC. 3.2.1 8051 Family: There are many members of 8051 family which are produced by different vendors and have different features. Some of the well known are: 8051: 8051 was originally produced by Intel corporation .It has 4Kbytes ROM and 128bytes on chip RAM .Other products are 8052 and 8031 microcontrollers. These two have additional features such as increased ROM capacity, speed and timers. AT89C51:One of the most widely used 8051 microcontrollers is AT89C51 from Atmel Corporation. It is one of the most widely used from 8051 microcontrollers because of its easy availability and low cost. OTP version of 8051: One time programmable versions of 8051 are also widely used. Because of its low cost it is used for mass production. 3.3 PREVIOUS APPROACH: Earlier for project purpose Atmel89C51 was selected and ADC0808 was used along with it to convert current to digital. 3.3.1 ATMEL 89C51: It is one of the most commonly used controllers. The reasons behind its popularity are: It is widely available. Programming language is very simple. All its development tools are readily available. Features: It is low powered and 8 bit microcontroller. 32 I/O lines. 6 interrupts 2 timers. 4K flash memory Serial programming is also possible. The figure below shows the pins of Atmel AT89C51. If AT89C51 is used for the current implementation then following points need to be considered: Interfacing ADC With Microcontrollers: It does not have built in ADC therefore an external ADC is interfaced to entertain analog inputs. Normally ADC0808 and ADC0848 are used. Serial communication: For serial communication it has built in UART mode. There is a special serial register known as SBUF. ADC0808: As current is analog quantity and 8051 can only accept digital inputs therefore an ADC was needed .For this purpose ADC0808 was preferred as it is easily available in markets and compatible with 8051. Due to the compatibility issue atmel8951 was replaced by pic16F877A. 3.3.2 PIC: PIC stands for programmable Interface controller and it is made by microchip technology. PIC is widely preferred for industrial applications due to their low cost, capacity, extensive features and wide availability of development tools like its programmer, compiler etc. Of PIC: It follows Harvard architecture that is code and data spaces are separate. They even have a separate bus. This allows program and data to be fetched simultaneously. Code space is implemented as ROM whereas for data space we have general purpose RAM. However addressable data space is small. There is only one accumulator. Most of the PIC controllers are 8-bit microcontroller that all data should be in 8 bits and all operations are also performed in 8 bits chunks. They also support instructions, operations and commands that allow user to work on single bit. It has predefined instruction set with few changes for different versions .The instruction set includes instructions that support direct memory addressing as well as indirect addressing. It also supports conditions and branching. Newer versions of pic also have built in ADC into the microcontroller. PIC have hardware call stack which cannot be accessed through software. They save return addresses. TYPES OF PIC MICROCONTROLLERS: There are many PIC series of which well known are as follows: PIC17 SERIES PIC18 SERIES PIC32 SERIES PIC24 SERIES PIC16 SERIES For the project PIC16f877A is covered in detail therefore PIC 16 series is discussed briefly. PIC16 Series: PIC16 Series are small, fast, and are available in most of areas. There are many different variants of pic16 series in which some have more I/O pins some have ADC, some have more memory. 3.4 CURRENT APPROACH: 3.4.1 PIC16F877A: For this project pic 16f877A has been used .The reasons behind using it were as follows: It is widely available in most of the areas. It has built in 10 bit ADC that was needed for our project. Its compiler and programmer were also easily available. It supports baud rate required for our application and it is compatible with devices that are used. It is relatively easy to program. The details of the pins are provided in the Appendix A Features Of PIC16F877A: It is a 40 pin device 5 I/O ports A, B, C, D and E some pins are multiplexed so that they can be used for peripheral functions. 15 interrupts 8 A/D input channels 35 single word instructions and 1 instruction is composed of 14 bits. 20 MHz operating speed Data memory of 368 bytes EEPROM memory of 256 bytes 3 timers 2 analog comparators. 3.5 HARDWARE SECTION: Hardware design of PIC consists of combining different modules and devices with the controller that work together in order to attain information from the E-meter and read into the micro-controller. In this section ports, oscillators, registers of PIC that are used for implementing the design are briefly discussed: 3.5.1 Oscillator: External oscillator with a frequency of 12 MHz is used in order to achieve clock speed of 8MHz.The baud rate is set at 9600kbps. Internal oscillator of pic is not used. 3.5.2 I/O Ports: As the current has to be sensed through the microcontroller therefore portA is used and is configured for analog input (AN0 to AN7). Its corresponding direction register is TRISA. 3.5.3 Analog to Digital Converter Module: PIC16F877A has eight pins for Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter module. The conversion of an analog input signal results in a corresponding 10-bit digital number. It can even operate in sleep mode. The A/D clock must be derived from the A/Ds internal RC oscillator. The AD module has four registers adresh, adresl, adcon0 and adcon1. The 10 bit AD result is stored in adresh and adresl registers.ADCON1 is used for configuration of port pins. The operation of AD module is controlled through ADCON0. 3.5.4 USART: In order to generate alarm at remote office, controller is connected to mobile. The phone is connected to Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) module which is one of the two serial I/O modules of PIC16F877A. USART is also known as a Serial Communications Interface or SCI. USART uses standard Non-Return to- Zero (NRZ) format (one Start bit, eight or nine data bits and one Stop bit). The USART transmits and receives the LSB first. The transmitter and receiver function independently. 3.6 SOFTWARE DESIGN: 3.6.1 Development Tools: The code is written in pic basic pro language. The code is then converted to hex via microcode studio and hex code is loaded into pic16F877A through quad programmer. Microcode studio is used because its free version is easy available on internet. For compiler three header files are made. One file is used by compiler other is used by programmer. The file with the extension .BAS is used by pbp .Pbp then makes .ASM file from it. It then makes .ASM file from it. If code is error free then assembler required output file with hex code in it. This hex code is loaded in the pic by quad programmer. 3.6.2 Program Code: There are multiple parts of the software design, as the micro-controller plays many parts in the coordination of the instrumentation panel. Firstly internal ADC of the PIC16F877A is configured to sense the current. The next step for the code is to check if input is greater than 0 .If it is greater than 0 then a message is sent to remote office through mobile. For this AT commands are used that are specially made for communication between GSM modules and microcontroller. Other than the mentioned AT commands in the following table are in appendix B COMMANDS PURPOSE ATZ AT+CMGF 3. AT+CMGS 4. AT+CMGL Recall Stored Profile Message Format Send Message List Messages CHAPTER NO 04: WIRELESS ACCESS TECHNOLOGIES: 4.1 EVOLVING WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES IN PAKISTAN: There are two important wireless access technologies that can be used within Pakistan and are feasible for our project and that are: WIMAX GSM 4.2 GSM TECHNOLOGY: For mobile telephony systems in the world, the most popular standard is GSM. The GSM Association estimated that 80% of the global mobile market uses the standard. 1.5 billion People across more than 212 countries and territories uses GSM technology for their benefits. This means that subscribers can use their phones throughout the world between mobile network operators, enabled by international roaming arrangements. GSM is considered a second generation (2G) mobile phone system because GSM differs from its predecessor technologies in that both signaling and speech channels are digital. GSM also facilitates the wide-spread implementation of data communication applications into the system. The GSM standard provides an advantage to both consumers, who may benefit from the ability to roam and switch carriers without replacing phones, and also to network operators, who can choose equipment from many GSM equipment vendors.GSM also pioneered cheapest implementation of the short message service (SMS), also called text messaging, which has since been supported on other mobile phone standards as well. A worldwide emergency telephone number feature is also provided by this standard. GSM also supports indoor coverage and may be achieved by using an indoor picocell base station, or an indoor repeater with distributed indoor antennas fed through power splitters, to deliver the radio signals from an antenna outdoors to the separate indoor distributed antenna system. When a lot of call capacity is needed indoors then these are typically deployed; for example, in airports or shopping centers. However, this is not a prerequisite, since indoor coverage is also achieved by in-building penetration of the radio signals from any nearby cell. The modulation technique used in GSM is Gaussian minimum-shift keying (GMSK). It is a kind of continuous-phase frequency shift keying. In Gaussian minimum-shift keying, the signal to be modulated onto the carrier is first smoothed with a Gaussian low-pass filter prior to being fed to a frequency modulator, so it greatly reduces the interference to neighboring channels (adjacent-channel interference). 4.2.1 GSM CARRIER FREQUENCY: GSM networks operate in a number of different carrier frequency ranges (separated into GSM frequency ranges for 2G and UMTS frequency bands for 3G), the most 2G GSM networks operating in the 900Ã MHz or 1800Ã MHz bands. The 850Ã MHz and 1900Ã MHz bands were used instead, Where these bands were already allocated (for example in Canada and the United States). In some countries the 400 and 450Ã MHz frequency bands are assigned In rare cases because they were previously used for first-generation systems. In Europe Most 3G networks operate in the 2100Ã MHz frequency band. Regardless of the frequency selected by an operator, it is divided into timeslots for individual phones to use. That is why it allows eight full-rate or sixteen half-rate speech channels per radio frequency. These eight radio timeslots (or eight burst periods) are further grouped into a TDMA frame. In the same timeslot half rate channels use alternate frames. The channel data rate for all 8 channels is 270.833Ã kbit/s, and the frame duration is 4.615Ã ms. The transmission power limited in a handset to a maximum of 2 watts in GSM850/900 and 1 watt in GSM1800/1900. 4.2.2 NETWORK STRUCTURE: The network is structured into a number of discrete sections: The Base Station Subsystem (the base stations and their controllers). The Network and Switching Subsystem (the part of the network most similar to a fixed network). This is also called the core network. The GPRS Core Network (the optional part which allows packet based Internet connections). For maintenance of the network, the Operations support system (OSS). 4.2.3 SMS MODES IN GSM: We have two types of SMS modes in GSM SMS Text Mode SMS PDU Mode The text mode (It is unavailable on some phones) is simply an encoding of the bit stream. It is represented by the PDU mode. There are several encoding alternatives when displaying an SMS message and Alphabets may differ. The most common options are PCCP437, PCDN, 8859-1, IRA and GSM. These are
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Cansecos Steroid Allegations :: essays research papers
In Jose Cansecoââ¬â¢s 60 Minutes interview, he stated that he and some of his teammates used steroids in the past. With all the hoopla surrounding Major League Baseball and its connection with allegations made by BALCO president Victor Conte, this report is intriguing at the least. High profile athletes such as Jason Giambi and Barry Bonds have been under direct scrutiny over the past year because of the steroid issue. Canseco firmly states that he and former teammate Mark McGwire casually injected together during their playing days as an Oakland Athlete. ââ¬Å"After batting practice or right before the game, Mark and I would duck into a stall in the menââ¬â¢s locker room, load up our syringes and inject ourselvesâ⬠with steroids, starting in 1988, Canseco wrote, according to an excerpt made by the N.Y. Times. Tony Larussa, manager of the Aââ¬â¢s at the time denies that his players ever used steroids. Supposedly, steroids give an edge to a playersââ¬â¢ psyche as we ll as increased size and strength. Larussa then reiterated that McGwire got his strength and size from weightlifting and a careful diet. In a league where the most glaring aspect of the sport is the art of the homerun, it seems as if these allegations could be possibly true. Homerun king Mark McGwire has made a name for himself with hitting the long ball. He and Sammy Sosa, another alleged user has a hit an impressive amount of homeruns over the span of their careers. Canseco also called out former Texas Ranger Rangers teammates, Ivan Rodriguez, Jose Gonzalez, and Rafael Palmeiro. All the players named above are potential Hall of Famers. à à à à à The reports made by Canseco have sparked another issue as to where the integrity of the sport lies, which is very significant to sport management. Baseball is Americaââ¬â¢s pastime and itââ¬â¢s a shame to see how the image of the sport is being tainted by these allegations. Although baseball recently adopted a tougher steroid-testing program due to the BALCO trial, it will take some time for the MLB to rid themselves of these issues. With new stiffer testing, the production of the major leagues elite might decline in the upcoming years. Sosa and McGwire chased Roger Maris homerun record of 61 by totally eclipsing it, smashing 66 and 70 homeruns respectively. Marisââ¬â¢s record was one of the longest standstill records in baseball history before the record was broken.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Evolving Finance Function
The finance department provided a wide range of financial services to them. * The forecasting & analytics department was merged with the finance department. * Recruitment in the finance department were higher than the other departments, which consisted of Mamba's from good B- schools in USA. * There was no rigidity ; the finance department was constantly re-structured. Pre-conditions that enabled Mercer's finance group to develop its capabilities: * The company was constantly rated amongst the best in the U. S. A. They had a vision to grow, which was evident from their financial figures.Exhibit 1} * To cater to the growth they formed several alliances, in the form of Joint Ventures, which led to an increase in their market capitalization. In order to maintain and increase their market capitalization in the future they felt the need to come up with a model which can help them to effectively analyses the returns on their investments in future. * They faced immense competition from the local players in generic drugs and to maintain an edge over them they came up with this model. * As they focused on Innovation, they had huge R&D expenditure which kept Increasing year after year.They did not have a suitable model to classify the expenditure as capital or revenue, nor could they ascertain the profitability from a given product or venture. * Owing to the currency fluctuations and to manage their foreign exchange hedging castles, they came up with a suitable long term revenue hedging model. * They came up a long way under the effective leadership of Ms. Judy Lent, who kept taking Annihilative In carrying out various tasks outside her domain. Her Job Included 25% assignments and 75% Initiative. * Her effective decision making also played an Important role In eloping Merck develop its capabilities.Can other companies develop similar capabilities? * Merck had a highly effective but complex model and improper execution of which could lead to a total chaos. * Their strengt h was Research and Development, which was ten earlier AT tenet pronto TTY. I en same need not De ten case wilt toner companies. * Therefore, if Merck did, other companies too can come up with a similar model. All it needs is being systematic and have efficient leadership. However, organizations can come up with their own models capitalizing on their own strengths and catering to their own needs.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ways of Protecting the Environment
Our environment is a gift from God so we must take the full responsibility in protecting and preserving it. Good environment can make people feel happy and fit. To improve the environment means to improve our life. Therefore, human beings can protect the environment in three ways: conserving water, recycling, reducing, reusing and saving energy. First, we can protect the environment through saving water. Water is very important to us because we canââ¬â¢t live it. Water which is suitable to drink is becoming less and less. It is because we always waste a lot of water in our daily life. For example, many of the people always turn on the faucet when brushing teeth, washing or rinsing. Instead, we can fill a container with water for our use. Second, recycling, reducing and reusing are other ways to protect our environment. We can recycle the aluminum cans, glass bottles and newspapers. Besides that, we can transfer the organic matter such as potato peelings, leftover food and leaves to a compost heap in the garden and used as a natural fertilizer for the plants. Next, we should reduce the usage of plastic bags because they are non-biodegradable and hard to recycle. Let us reuse the things that are still valuable instead of throwing it away. Donate your old clothes or things to those who are in need. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute to a good cause. Last but definitely not the least is conserving energy. Let us use compact lights in our houses for they conserves electricity and remember to turn it off when you leave a room. When you do not use a house device like TV, radio, laptops, etc. turn it off as well. It's an easy habit to take up which will help you save a lot of money. Be concern and be a part in protecting the Mother Nature.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
buy custom Standardized Testing Undermines Teaching essay
buy custom Standardized Testing Undermines Teaching essay Educational assessment is one of the controversial and problematic fields in the educational practice. One way to assess students is through the use of standardized tests. There is little this criterion has done to enable students do well in their final exams, for instance the High School Exit Exam. In fact, the Standardized testing has considerably undermined the whole learning concept among schools. In the current era throughout the world, there has been suggested a move to find out the stated goals of the curriculum and who is accountable for their outcomes. A key component to this move has found that there are inefficiencies from the standardized tests as a measure of students learning and evaluation among schools. A research conducted revealed that, if a curriculum wanted to pursue students excellence in schools, then the adoption of standardized tests would contribute very little to the students success (Lee 16). The reason cited in this research is that the standardized tests focus assumes an unusually narrow approach to the promotion of excellence. Among is the issue that, standardized tests emphasize only basic ideas in core areas of the curriculum for instance reading, mathematics and science and nothing more. This is particularly limited in the U.S.A., as a result of the requirements of NCLB (Andrew 78). In all cases of these students assessments, these tests do not involve the students in creative study and problem solving. It also does not engage students in skills use and analysis to perform critically reasoning tests. Very minimal in these standardized tests do involve students into meaningful thinking and idea generation. They lack the capacity for meaning factual recall. Apart from idea concerning creativity of students, they lack tests that are also beneficial in areas of child development, for instance honesty, social life and basic life focusing behavior. The worst of it all is that, at the moment, most schools are following this constrained syllabus focus of these tests to continually narrow down their curriculum hence reducing and restricting the quality of learning and educational development (Lee 16). Teaching the content standards is like teaching to test and it is not a wise idea. Put it differently, if the tests are to measure the level of skills that stdents are expected to, this means, therefore, that teaching to test is profound idea. The worst is when these tests are not related at any given level to what is being taught; perhaps teachers solely rely on repeated drills that encompass the old questions to prepare students. Standardized tests have proved to waste a great and valuable learning time for students not only in high school, but deny them a chance to proceed to college (Beanie 79). However, standardized tests have the bright side of it, for instance the time students spend their time preparing for tests, and they often learn valuable skills. The better aspect of these tests is when students learn time managing skills, how to understand passages, following instructions and knowing how and when certain answers can be eliminated. All these are valuable test-taking skills that are of significance to students understanding as they progress through their schools and career paths. Proponents of the standardized tests say that these tests, if well integrated to proper teaching strategies can come with great learning success. Accordingly they say standardized tests are part of instrumental programs; they are not entirely independent. They explain that standardized tests always requires students to demonstrate their skills after learning, especially reading comprehension, to demonstrate the meaning of words in the texts read and pull out facts embodied and try to connect meaning. They say these are skills of a good reader and might be expected in a professional life (Andrew 88). Standardized tests have been used as a constructivism in school as reflected in the curriculum that greatly eliminates grades in this system. Learning is a process; for this reason, it can be demonstrated in a variety of ways and application. This will eliminate cases where a students fail to get admission to college for just falling a point below the standardized limit. Critically, standardized testing does not provide a proper and genuine assessment of the students performance. Over and above they do not provide avenues for improvement in schools. They fall behind the fact that some students cannot keep to the requirement of the materials. If, for instance, a student could not pass a class, he/she was kept back to repeat that class. As per now, with the passage of NCLB, teachers have been forced to ensure that tthe test score for these children remain high in order to keep the schools under operation so that facilities are well utilized (Beanie 79). Standardized testing in the USA is a pretty joke, since not all students who are cut out to proceed to collage, or to take careers relevant to many of their skills that were studied in high schools. For instance, students at a given high school must take a Graduation test before they are permitted to graduate. In this case, they have to pass the test, which normally take a week of time. This time is very significant to a student, in that could be used in their labs or learning entrepreneurial skills that are relevant to their future life (Andrew 90). Standardized testing has lost the originality out of the schools. This greatly impact the art and music classes, as these classes will be the first to be cut when the test are low which means that the school finally lose the funding. This will go a step further to affect students whose interests are art and music at collage after high school graduation. Other extra curriculums are next on the line to go such as agriculture and entrepreneurship. This affects the other core subjects and classes in a similar manner, where teachers are forced to teach from strict guidelines, as per the requirements of the state, which will see the students prepared for testing. On the same note, fun activities and new materials are often cut from the syllabus, especially from the English department. This is to allow them to focus on the test materials, not in a way where the students are interested. In this case, they are mandated to exclude the classic literature out of the curriculum and instead opt fo r grammar and composition writing (Beanie 79). In conclusion, standardized tests are a disservice to the high school graduate of America. According to Pros and Cons of No Child Left behind (2006), these students are forced to learn material that deprives them the research and career development skills. Over and above, they are mandated to learn streamlined material, which have been found to lack the depth and well grounded knowledge that is crucial in their future careers. Lastly, some of these tests have denied most of these students a chance to proceed to college after high school graduation for having fall short of one or two points. Buy custom Standardized Testing Undermines Teaching essay
Monday, November 4, 2019
People Resourcing Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
People Resourcing - Coursework Example A contingency plan would have been important for G4S because no matter how well the recruitment was organized and initiated, there were bound to be many variables which can come into play and scupper the process. The contingency plan would have given the company a plan B on all potential disaster scenarios and alternative strategies of how to turn these situations around. When he appeared on Radio 4, Nick Buckles of G4S lacked information regarding details of the recruitment, training and vetting processes. He was not in a position to explain what had gone wrong or confirm a number of issues about the candidates. Communication would have helped to better plan for the whole recruitment process because it was an important contract and controlling the recruitment process can be complex which can benefit from an external perspective. Being an internationally recognized and reputable firm, G4S would have made it a precondition for Wave to ensure that it was involved in the whole process, the reputation of the security firm being at stake. With less than an year and being expected to recruit 8,000 inexperienced staff, the first thing that would need to be done is to ensure have a plan for addressing and managing candidateââ¬â¢s expectations. This will minimize the issue of candidates turning down the offer upon being cleared as successful. G4S faced many such dropouts which affected the recruitment process. In addition, I would address the issue of suitability skills required for the position. The question that many sought answered on the recruited candidates is whether they would speak fluent English, which Buckles could not confirm. Ensuring suitability skills are considered will minimize the issue of having a poor caliber of candidates which will compromise the credibility of the company and the process. Overall, I would ensure that there is a contingency plan to identify issues quickly and speed up the drive to get the perfect candidate
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Tom's shoes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Tom's shoes - Essay Example These customers are conscious about socially credible and ethical business practices and therefore, prefer the way of operations of Tomââ¬â¢s Shoes. The company follows a One to One model in which it provides shoes to deprived children as a part of the charitable and ethical aspect of the company. Tomââ¬â¢s Shoes was found with the aim of providing a new pair of shoes to a child for every pair of shoes that is sold from the company. The charitable component of Tomââ¬â¢s Shoes is an important influencing factor of customer purchase decision when the customer is buying his/her first pair of shoes from the company. However, the charitable aspect becomes a much low impact buying factor in case of repeat purchases by the customers. The customer segment including socially conscious buyers is the main target segment for Tomââ¬â¢s Shoes which it taps through word of mouth publicity and other promotional tools. These are supported by the charitable aspects of the company. Cause ma rketing is an important marketing strategy used by Tomââ¬â¢s Shoes to attract the target customer group (Earle
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